Thursday, June 20, 2013

First Prep Day!

Thursday, June 20th
Just a few of our volunteers came out today to make preparations for Build Day.
Concrete bases were poured, and welding was done so that when we put together our equipment on Saturday, it'll be ready for play at the end of the day!
Thank you to all those volunteers!  It was a great day with lots of hard workers and happy faces.

Friday will see more preparations.  Feel free to stop by to lend a hand where needed.





coffee break time


Welding grids to support the large play structure (you'll see blue posts sticking up from this later).



Setting up the swing set ready for cement.





Digging holes for cement for the fence poles.




Here's Sean, our guide sent from Let Them Be Kids. 
What a great job he's doing!


A donation from Royal Bank was presented Thursday morning at the park site.






Loads of pea-stone and gravel were arriving throughout the day.


We made sure there wasn't any garbage left around!




The concrete truck arrival!


Pouring cement into support footings.








This is where the park's main entry will be, and a sign will be held up in an archway here.























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