Saturday, June 22, 2013

Build Day is here!

Today is a day that will be memorable for all our lives.
It will be remembered as the day when hundreds worked together and played together for the betterment of our community as a whole.
The plan for today:
Registration starts at 8am
You will be assigned to a task with a group of others, which might be...
Children's activities
Creating walking trails
Building playground equipment (several projects)
Building a bridge
Building a stage/gazebo/pergola/outdoor classroom
Adding softfall (peastone) to finished playground areas
Laying sods
Planting trees and shrubs
Preparing food for the hundreds of volunteers
Erecting signage
Building bleachers next to the volleyball court
Clean-up/Garbage control
And more!
We'll be eating in shifts in the cafeteria.
You'll be told when it's your turn to go grub up!
Then it's back to work!  Lots to do!
Opening Ceremony
As soon as the work is complete! 
We expect this will be about 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon.
We'll be dedicating our new park to two men worthy of the term 'hero':
Dr. Jeon and Mr. Samuel Barbour
Enjoy Pearson Park!
All the planning, fundraising, and hard work has paid off, and it's time to reap the rewards!

Can't make it to Pearson Park today?

Please watch our Build Day LIVE ON THE WEB!


We'd love to hear from everyone who'd be here if they could!
Leave a comment for your friends from Deadman's Bay to Greenspond!

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