"So Ian, Why does all this matter, a playground isn't that important in the whole grand picture, is it?". I replied "all this matters because these projects aren't just about playgrounds, skate parks, and fitness parks, they're about building stronger communities, inspiring hope in others, creating a brighter future for our kids and showing that regular people can change their corner of the world for the better"...
The real work of this effort is being done in the communities themselves; people giving of their time, talent and treasure to make something great happen. Support them, help them, cheer for them! As we are doing these projects, let us also work to make a meaningful connection with at least one human being, that is how community is built, one meaningful connection at a time!
A world, a country, a town, a school, a family, a kid....are all counting on someone to take action and inspire some hope...that someone is YOU!!!
Ian Hill-Volunteer Let Them Be Kids
"I will attack the doing of good deeds with an energy and enthusiasm rarely known to man"
~ Copied from the Let Them Be Kid Foundation's Facebook Page (condensed)
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